Thursday, August 31, 2006

Its Raining Cats and Dogs!


Well thats good to know. I would hate to have my 3-day weekend off, which doesn't happen very often, and not be able to enjoy the weather. I'm glad Ernesto never hit New Orleans. That it didn't gain a lot of strength in the Gulf either. They need to keep the weather out down there for awhile. My heart goes out to all still suffering the effects of Katrina. What a nasty storm that was.

We are very much inland here, and I'm not too worried about hurricanes. But I remember them quite well, being from the Jersey Shore all my life. I remember Hurricane Gloria back in 1985, with her 100 mile per hour winds. I remember Hurricane Bob back in August of 1991, that was a strong one. Hurricane Emily in 1993 was a strong one too. And although I wasn't there in NJ for Hurricane Floyd in 1999, I remember it quite well. As kids we always knew it was a big storm, when my father would put all of the outside furniture in the Garage. The pool would get shut down, ladder up and all toys brought in. Otherwise, all that stuff sat out on a daily basis.

I'm hoping Hurricane Ernesto passes us by and everyone else without incident. Hopefully it doesn't get as strong as some are saying its going to. My prayers are with those in the way of the storm.

Remember to prepare just in case. Have a disaster plan. I don't have one, but I'm not on the shore anymore. I am working on my own disaster plan here. Here's a good generic checklist/plan:

  • Fill your car with gas. Make sure the battery is in good condition.
  • Review county and state roadway maps.
  • Check your battery-powered equipment. A radio could be your only link
    with the outside world during and after a hurricane.
  • Lower or secure TV and radio antennas (CB or HAM) to prevent
    antennas from coming in contact with electrical wires.
  • Remove all items from the yard and open patios.
  • Board up windows. Close shutters,
    awnings, windows and drapes. Tape windows from the inside.
  • If you plan to stay home, check your supply of emergency food and
    water. Emergency food supplies should include: canned fish, chicken or
    meat, fruits (fresh and dried), soups, juices, milk (fresh or powdered), dry
    cereal, cookies and bread.
  • Include any other non-refrigerated food necessary for your family. Small families should purchase single-serving size containers. Obtain and fill clean containers with drinking water.
  • Do not store drinking water in used milk containers.
  • Pack your valuables in waterproof containers. Valuables include jewelry,
    titles, deeds, insurance papers, licenses, stocks, bonds, inventory list, etc.
  • Place valuables in a safety deposit box. If you do not have a safety
    deposit box, keep your valuables with you. Keep important papers with
    you at all times.
  • Refill prescription drugs. Obtain an extra supply of special medication.
  • Make arrangements for the safety of your house pets. Pets are not
    allowed in designated emergency public shelters.
  • Make arrangements for the safety of your boats. If the situation warrants
    a mandatory evacuation, drawbridges will be closed to boat traffic.
  • Fill clean plastic containers, cooking pots or clean bathtubs with drinking water.
  • Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting. This preserves food as long as possible in case of a power failure.
  • Do not drain your swimming pool. Keep the swimming pool full to approximately 12 inches below the edge, to compensate for expected rainfall.
  • Wedge sliding glass doors to prevent them from being lifted from their tracks. Brace your garage door.
  • Protect appliances and furniture. Elevate them above floor level and cover them with plastic.
  • Stay tuned to local radio and television stations for official weather statements and emergency instructions for your area.
  • If county authorities advise or order evacuation of your area, leave immediately.
  • If you plan to go to an emergency public shelter, take these items: drinking water in a plastic container, nonperishable food, medicine, blankets, a complete change of clothing, personal hygiene items, flashlight with extra batteries and bulbs, quiet toys or games for children, plastic trash bags, eating and cooking utensils (plastic or paper), manual can and bottle opener and a portable radio with extra batteries.
  • Remember, alcoholic beverages, pets and weapons are not allowed in emergency public shelters.
  • If you leave your home, shut off gas and electricity at the main power source. Shut off water lines to your home.
  • Lock all windows and doors before leaving. Call relatives and friends and let them know what you are doing and where you are going. This will reduce phone system overloading from them trying to get in touch with you.
  • If you live inland, away from beaches and low-lying coastal areas, and your home is well-constructed, stay home and make emergency preparations. Do not stay if officials recommend evacuation.
  • Be alert for tornado watches and warnings. Hurricanes often spawn tornados. If your area receives a tornado warning, seek inside shelter immediately. Stay away from windows.
  • If you stay at home, avoid using electric appliances. Seek refuge in a small, interior area such as a hallway, closet or bathroom.
  • If your evacuation route is impassible and you become trapped on low ground, seek refuge in a third or fourth floor hallway of a high rise building.

Well good luck to all. Hope this helped.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Weekend Gone By....

Well another weekend has past us by. Lee Ann's friend Jennifer, who I consider an adopted daughter had her baby early Saturday morning approximately 3:30 AM. We spent the night at Forsyth Hospital in Winston Salem over night from Friday waiting on 'Andru Brandon' to be born. I left work Friday night, headed over to my bowling League meeting, then headed to Forsyth Hospital with Lee Ann, Lindalee and Mike approximately 7 o'clock PM.

She pushed and pushed for hours, about 8 hours to be exact, with 45 minute naps in between. If you want to call them naps. His head was showing for God-Sake!
She delivered him naturally. 9 lbs, 15.9 ounces. You call it what you want....but in my book, thats a 10 pound baby!!!!! And did you hear me say "Naturally"??

Mom is doing well and Daddy is great too. We went to Jennifer's wedding about 1 1/2 years ago. Here's a picture of Jennifer with her Dad Bob. She is a beautiful girl isn't she? Model's are made of Jennifers.

Baby Andru is huge compared to my new granddaughter 'Cali'. She is so petite compared to him. They are so close in age, we'll have to fix them up as they get older. I'll keep you updated on that.

We have already fixed Cheyenne up with Jennifer's nephew Ryan. Her sister's son. He is approximately 4 1/2 years old, and Cheyenne is too. They were in Lee Ann's wedding together too, very cute. Here's a picture of them at the wedding, this is back in 2003. They were so little here.

And here they are at Jenn's wedding this past year. Cheyenne was the brides doll...or at least thats what I call it. She was actually called the Junior Bride. Ryan was the ring bearer. Aren't they just too cute??

Friday, August 25, 2006

Typical Thursday.....or was it?

Morning all. Yeah its Friday.....!! I'm excited. We start bowling in our Winter League tonight...or at least its the first meeting for it. Mike, Lindalee and I are the team, and we are actually hunting for the fourth bowler. We lost Danny (my nephew) from our last league. He basically doesn't want to commit to something like this for the whole winter. The Bowling league doesn't end until May of 2007, so I suppose I understand. I just love it though.

Yesterday was a typical Thursday. Nothing, work and more work. Jo Beth is excited, she starts school today. She is now officially a senior. I'm worried of course, that means its not too long, and we'll have to be figuring out how to send her to college. God, its not something I'm looking forward to.

Hey Guess what?? My girlfriend Heather came by the house after work, and I was very excited to see her. I always am. We have such busy lives and its difficult to get together sometimes. We do lunch when we can, and email when we can. I just wish we had more time, as I really do enjoy her company, and its always such a treat when she's able to stop by.
We would get more one on one time if I stopped by her place, because at my house its always a zoo of people. Lindalee, Cheyenne, and Ciera were there. Lee Ann and my new granddaughter Cali was there too. Of course Mike and Jo Beth, and yes....poor Heather having to deal with all of us.

I need to take an evening and go over to Heather's house and drink a few glasses of wine and just relax and shoot the breeze. She'll be leaving me soon. She's moving over by Durham-Raleigh to live with her boyfriend Clay. I will definitely miss her. But I wish her the best of luck, and happiness. Here's a picture of her with Clay. Isn't she a cutie??

There's something about Heather.....let me see if I can explain her. She is this very cool mix of precious insecurity, intense passion, emotionalness (is that a word?) and this cute wild side about her. She is an eternal teenager, and I'm very jealous of her!!. She is beautiful, and adorable at the same time. She has this smile that lights up a room, and this awesome laugh to go along with it. Very contagious.
She is a good friend, and you feel it when your with her. She makes you feel your important, always putting her own feelings aside. She is an "Actual" listener. She asks nothing of you...but will give you all she's got!! I love her, I do....and I will sorely miss her when she leaves. I know we'll be friends for a long time though, so I'm not worried.

I met Heather while I was working for the last Engineering firm I was with. I left there over 2 years ago, and so did she. Now we work for different firms, but still remain friends. Heather just lost her dad recently, and I felt so bad for her and her sisters and her mom. She has come through it like a champion. Strong I tell you...even though I know she doesn't think so.

I envy her for her independence, and her strength and her kindness! Oh...I know I'm a survivor, but its nice when you see another women being the same. There's this Woman Kindship....

I just wanted to say "You take care of you sweetie"...and remember Heather, I'm just a phone call away, a drive away and a glass of wine away!!!! Thanks for being you!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sad News........

My sister Karen was just diagnosed with Graves Disease today. I'm very sad about it. Its something to do with her thyroid. I know its not as serious as cancer, or anything like that. I just hate that she has to add anything to her "plate" right now. Karen is very strong, handles an enormous amount of responsibility. Works under the blanket of stress daily. Which is probably why she is having to deal with this right now.

I suppose it goes back to the old cliche', "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger!" I would have to say that applies with most of us in my family. We have all been through a lot. Not that I would change anyf of it, because I wouldn't. It makes me who I am. Its just that we have survived it all, and now are awaiting the next phase of our lives. Whats next, God forbit an illness, heart ache, a death in the family. I hope not. It could be a promotion, lottery winner, a new baby? And again, such is life. We will wait...patiently.

As for Karen, I know she'll pull through...shes a survivor. She's my sister....she doesn't know any other way to deal with it, but to overcome! My prayers are with you honey. I love you.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Weekend...

Mom......she is just too much. Her and Jo Beth went Goodwill shopping. Mom likes her weekends where she can take the day, get lunch, grab one of the kids (mostly Sherianne) and go shopping at GoodWill. She gets all kinds of things......she just kills me. "You don't need her back at any specific time do you" she asks of Jo Beth. I told her "of course not Mom", as I was already aware from her prior outings that it could be an all day ordeal.
And then she came and told me all about they're great deals. Jo Beth got these two pocket books, one that kind of green chacky (sp) material. She likes it as she is part of the JROTC Drill team and she says its kind of Armyish. Mom picked up these great dress pants etc. Mom has always been a great yard-saler way back. My childhood memories were of my mother disappearing on the weekends, (sometimes I got to go) or she would find some unwanted item to restore in someone's garbage. I must admit, my mother was always very good at it. The items just about looked brand new by the time she was done.
I have inherited her love of used items, as I attend Auctions quite often. Every chance I get as a matter of fact.

Nothing fancy this weekend. Checked out "Pulse" the horror flick this weekend. In my opinion, don't waste your time or money. It was just terrible. Story line was awful, ending was empty. Just not worth my 1 hour and 45 minutes to sit there. The movie theatre was nice. Its the new "Grand" in Winston Salem. Reclining chairs....very comfortable. Disappointing movie though.

George, Mom and all my girls, the grand babies and Mike were all at the house yesterday. Just sitting out on my side porch enjoying the sun go down, and drinking coffee. It made for a nice afternoon/evening. Here's a couple pics of Lee Ann and Jeff with Cali in the hospital.

They came out sort of dark, but I think you get the idea.

All in all a good weekend. I'll check back later......

Friday, August 11, 2006


Hey everyone, just finished reading my Aunt Kathy's emails, and they sooooo make me laugh, and cry. She told me a sad story about a worker of hers that was murdered a while back.

My Aunt Kathy and her story reminded me of how much our life can be affected by others, situations, feelings etc.
Affected by the ones that love us. The ones that dis-like us. The ones we try to love, and don't get in return. Affected by death and all destruction around us, and the birth of a newborn baby.
By war, and peace. And how just a simple word, either good or bad from someone can change our destiny for the day...or even life. And will most likely affect how you treat the next person.

We are a like a tapestry, intertwined in each others lives, and sometimes we don't even know it. We sit next to someone in a restaurant, on a bus, next to you in line at grocery store, and you over hear their conversation or you witness an act they may be doing. And now you are affected by them. They on the other hand disappear into life and are never seen again, but they somehow changed you, reminded you, taught you.

You touch me, I touch you.....we are affected. Ah, but such is a life without being empty box I suppose. Never leave your house, don't turn on the TV, don't watch a child play, or an elderly couple smile and hold hands. Don't listen to the news about Israel. or Iraq or Iran, or Korea or China. Don't watch how that man down the street from you didn't register as a child molester, or how a 17 year old in the next town over just killed his grandparents because they wouldn't give him money for crack.

Whoever says we go through life with rose-colored glasses on, must live on the moon. Because if you are a citizen of mankind, then you've been affected in some sort of way. Your mood changed for a minute by a fellow employee, himself or herself having a bad day, and chose the wrong words to talk to you.....used a different tone in their voice. Your affected. It can be anything.

My Aunt Kathy's story affected me. It was very sad.....sad for her, and the child left behind, motherless. He sang at his mother's funeral. Can you imagine. This little boy approximately 8-10 years old singing at his young mother's funeral. I envy his strength. His courage.

And his story has probably affected 200 other people, and more people in the future.
And the story continues....just that one story. How have you been affected today?

Thursday, August 10, 2006


People that frequent bars call today "Thirsty Thursday". However I am not one of them. Some days I suppose I wish I was, but I am such a poor drinker. Three beers and I'm three sheets to the wind.

Jo Beth says she is "So Excited...I'm going to College this next year..YEAH!". She's a senior in High School this year. School starts on August 25th here. I remember when I lived in NJ my whole life, school always started the day after labor day. Here they start so early. Actually its later this year, usually its the beginning of August.
She's thinking college and all I'm thinking is how the hell am I suppose to afford this?? She wants to attend Elon University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, or High Point University. She wants to go Pre-Med. I think we need to do some more research. That's what I think. Tuition and housing fees are through the roof!

Jo Beth has been geared towards college since as far back as I can remember. The twins always thought they would go, but I just don't think they knew what they wanted to do. Lee Ann actually got "to" college for Landscape Architecture, but wound up hating it, and leaving. Then she got married to Jeff, and bought a house. Jeff and Lee Ann were just 19 years old when they bought their house. I was never so proud of them then at that moment. Good for them.

Lindalee couldn't decide what she wanted to do, and before you knew it, she was married to Shaun and having 2 little ones (Cheyenne & Ciera). This is Linda and Shaun a couple of weeks ago. Lindalee has got to the be the greatest help to everyone in the family. Shaun drives OTR for a living, and thats "Over the Road" for those of you that don't know. They are actually a really cute couple. He's really good for Linda, and I'm very proud of them too. :)Now Lee Ann has her first child (Cali). Its funny how life throws curve balls at you.

But Jo Beth has got to go. The child has thought of nothing but going to college ever since she was little. She jumped around a bit about her choice of majors, but settled on wanting to be a "Forensic Pathologist" about 4 years ago. She's talked about nothing but that for some time now. I would hate it if she couldn't go. Her grades are awesome at school, she's got a GPA of about 3.9, but her SAT scores are not very good. I've had her take them twice already and will be signing her up again before September. But to honest, she is just terrible at taking these tests. Even though she is on the National Honor Society, on the Honor Roll etc.

Its going to be quite a trial to get her into college, mostly I'm worried financially, and secondly on whether she'll get accepted to where she wants to go. But we'll see what happens.

As a single Mom for so many years, my greatest fear was not being able to give them, what I never had. All three of my girls got braces out of my own pocket. Not insurance for Orthodontal. Thankfully there was dental insurance, but you know how that goes. I was proud of being able to do that.

I am dissappointed that college is becoming such a burdon for me. Just the thought of it. Maybe as time pans out, and scholarships are filled out, and loans are acquired, and she gets accepted, it won't be making me feel so inadequate. Until that time though I worry. Can't help it.

I'll check back in later all.....see ya.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Approaching "Happy Hump Day"....

Its been a basically uneventful Tuesday here at work, and I'm looking forward to Happy Hump Day Wednesday. Once you hit Wednesday, you know its down hill to the weekend. Sorry for all the readers that have to work on the weekends. Not me, I'm not sure there's enough money out there to make me work on a weekend either.
Nice that no one is looking to get things submitted today. I've been in Civil Engineering 26 years this year I believe. Its been a very long career. I started back in 1980. I actually started my career in Mechanical Drafting for a company called Lenape Equipment Company. They built industrial Washers and dryers. I drew them up. I hated it. I've been in Civil Engineering ever since. It pays the bills, and alloted me the opportunity to be a single Mom and survive with my three daughters financially, and some days I really enjoy it.

I divorced thier dad Joseph back in 1993. Thats another blog. :) Here he is with Lee Ann the day she got married.

All in all, as a man, he's a good guy. He served two tours Desert Shield, then Desert Storm Gulf War I, and now again in Gulf War II. For that, I'm very proud of him. As a Dad, even after 24 years, he still needs some major work. :) He's in NJ with his new wife, and her children (all grown now). The girls don't get to see him often. Jo Beth at least wishes she saw him more. He has made it down a few times, so that is good. I get along pretty good with his parents. His father Joe (Pops) is such a sweetie, and I have loved Mary (his Mom) forever. She's actually not doing very well right now, and I worry about her. Pops is a veteran of the Korean war, and an absolute saint. He served with the US Marines. And of course we all are very proud of him. Always. Him and Mary remind of me of Archie Bunker and Edith. Very funny together, but don't let that fool you, he'll follow her to the end of time.

His brother, Uncle Sal is on the top of our "love" list too. He has continued to be the nicest man on the planet. Sal is one of a kind. And we are always glad to see him. We always tease about our "Uncle Salvatore" in the Mob in New York which is where he lives. Heres pictures below of Mary and Joe (Pops) and Uncle Sal and his wife from Lee Ann's wedding.

Lee Ann and Lindalee brought Cali to my office yesterday. I'm so proud. She is such a little cutie. Grow little up. I can't wait until she's like 3 months. All she does now is sleep, poop and eat. But everyone once in awhile, if your willing to hang in there for the long run, she'll give you the cutest smile. Gas you say??? Well that may very well be, but I'd like to think she knows who I am, and she is saying (in her own way) that she loves me, and soon she'll be able to tell me that!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Relaxing Sunday!

Hi Everyone. Well its the end of a quiet Sunday, and I thought I would drop a few thoughts down for you. I cooked most of the day, really at the request of my brother George. A few weekends ago, I made some Eggplant Parmesan, and he loved it, and made me promise I would make him some again the following weekend. That was last weekend, and I didn't keep my promise. It was just a hectic weekend, like most. I just couldn't find the time. And if any of you know anything about Eggplant Parmesan, its an all day ordeal. First the Sauce, from scratch mind you, and then the breaded fried Eggplant. The cheeses and the baking. All day...believe me.
So I decided to make it this weekend for him. Got up early, started the sauce. Etc. Etc. Made him his own pan of it. Where was George when it was ready you ask? Down somewhere south of us near Lake Norman, that's where. Helping a buddy of his with his heating and air at a house he thinking about buying.
I had Jo Beth bring it to his house, with some made special for Colleen, since she is such an angel. I'll tell you about her another day. She is Georges wife. I also sent some over to my neighbors. They are an elderly couple, living next to each other. Both I think in their nineties. They farm part of my land, and they are always giving us fresh vegetables. That's where the Eggplant and tomatoes come from. Along with fresh Okra and cabbage. Very yummy. I'm very thankful. My Mike is always helping them out, doing this and that. I feel like sometimes, that we can't do enough for them. Michael does for them, so much more than I can ever do. Here he is...Isn't he a cutie?
I love him to death. We are working on our 14th year this year. Thats off and on. :) That I promise you, is another blog.
I baked a cake today too, however honestly, it was just a box cake, but it was still good. I will usually take short cuts on desserts, but not the meals. Usually that is. I'd like to think of myself as a decent cook. And when it comes to Italian food, I think I'm pretty good at it.
I cut some of my flowers outside and re-rooted them. Cleaned house some. And that's about all I really did. I painted some watercolors butterflies, and I'll put some on here for you at a later date I think. Unless you see them here now. :)
Now I did forget to tell you, that while I was doing all of that, I was always watching my 3 and 4 year old granddaughters. I usually watch them on Sunday's as Lindalee works. I really don't mind, I just know to put that one day aside for them.
They just kill me. Basically they were pretty good today, surprise...surprise. They like to help me cut up vegetables, and had a very interesting time today with onions. They cried and cried.....but nothing a nice cold wet paper towels on their eyes couldn't cure. They tried some cantaloupe and I think they liked it too.
I got a call from my Aunt Kathy today. I never remember whether she spells her name with a "K" or a "C". So if you see me running back and forth with them, forgive me.
She just called to fill me on things for my Mom. It was really good to hear from her. I miss her. Isn't it funny, how you can spend a great deal of time without someone in your life, but the minute they step back into it, it reminds you of what you've been missing all along? I really missed her. I saw her, and like my sister Karen says, she reminds me of my past, our past. The good things....not the bad. She is such a sweetie. Here's a picture of my Aunt and I taken while she was down here a couple of weekends ago. I look so tan compared to her. I really don't lay out or anything, its just what I pick up throughout the summer driving and swimming. I guess its my Greek/Welsh skin.

Isn't she beautiful?? I see a lot of my grandfather in her. Her smile......Her sense of humor. Both her and my Mom share that. They have the most awesome sense of humor. Grandma Edna from time to time showed some, but Grandpa Tom couldn't help but show us his....Every time we saw him. They are obviously my Mom's parents. His face would light up a room. I remember his smile so much, and those twinkling eyes too. I miss him too, and Grandma. I think about them often.

Heres a picture I have of them that I keep on my desktop. Look at my grandfather's smiling face.
From left to right. My Great-Uncle Jimmy, my grandmother Edna, my Great-grandfather and my great-grandmother next to him, my Great-Aunt Irene, and of course my Grandfather Tom.

They are the deep roots in this family, and I'm glad to still be here, it must be because of the good roots we have! Solid Roots. This is their gift to us. Strength.

I sent some Eggplant Parm. to my Mom too. I know she likes it. Here's a picture of Mom from Karen's pool party for Aunt Kathy. This was taken the same time as the one of Aunt Kathy and I above.

Mom is doing well since her pacemaker was put in a couple of weeks ago. Actually we were all surprised to see how well. She gave us quite the scare. I thought we might have lost her through that whole ordeal. As you already know, I'm very glad we didn't.

Mom is truly my Angel here on earth. And I wish I could do so much more for her. My Mom has been through so much. She was married early to my dad, just when she was 16. She had my sister Karen when she was 17, and me when she was 18. My brother George came when she was 21, and the twins, Jason and Cathy when she was just 28. It was an abusive marriage in every aspect, and she survived 25 long years of it. And through all of it, she kept her dignity, beauty, and her everlasting sense of humor. Ask me how? God only knows...Doesn't he? I love you Mom, but you already know that don't you? :)

Well its time to head off to bed. I'm actually quite tired. Just had me a piece of that yummy Chocolate cake with Vanilla icing. And it seems to be sitting nicely with the Eggplant Parm. (laughing)
Jo Beth (below) is watching the girls tomorrow. She went and saw Cali at Lee Ann's house tonight too. I figured for a couple days, I'll let them get adjusted to the new way of life with their new baby Cali. I've been over there a lot lately, and don't want her to feel bombarded.
I was glad to hear that Lee Ann made it out of house today. That's good, she is feeling better after her C-section. It is going to take her some time to feel 100%. I remember after all of mine.
I can't wait until Cali puts some meat on her, she is so fragile right now. I will put pictures of her on here, as soon as I get them developed.
Well good night all. Sleep well......

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Day Finally Arrived.....

Sorry I've been gone! My New Granddaughter (Cali Madison) was born on July 31st at 10:29 PM. It was a very LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG day. Started at 6 AM Monday morning. Lee Ann was doing so good all day, contractions perfectly apart. But Cali got stuck in the birth canel and they had to give Lee Ann a C-Section. I was really hoping she wasn't going to need one. But such is life. She is finally here, YEAH!!!!!!

Mommy is doing quite well, and should be getting out of the hospital this evening or maybe tomorrow morning. Cali will be going home to see her puppies, the Chow (Sequoia) and the Great Dane (Tonka). We discussed him earlier. All I know is Lee Ann is about to have her hands full!!

I was sorry to hear this week that Jeff's (Lee Ann's Husband) Uncle Randy was in the hospital with a stroke. I'm now told he is totally brain dead, and they have removed him from Life support. His body is holding its own for now, but I'm sure it won't be for long. Sad...very sad.

They say for every life that leaves, another one takes its place. Randy may be leaving us, but Cali is coming in. Sad for one, Joyous for the other. Such I suppose, is the Circle of Life.

God Bless Randy, Rest in Peace.

My daughter and her husband are very upset, of course. Its been a bitter-sweet week for them. Jeff lived with Randy for sometime, and with his own parents (not very good ones at that) living at different locations, and not getting along with anyone ....I know he loved his Uncle Randy very much. I feel really bad for him.

Ok...enough Sad stuff. CALI is here....and I'm so excited. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 9 ounces. She was 20 inches long, and a full head of brown hair. Which most likely will turn blonde and then go brunette again. Like the rest of our family. She is absolutly beautiful, a picture of perfection. She has full lips, and wide eyes, and very much is a good mix between her parents. Welcome to the world Cali.....we so were expecting you!!!!!!