Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Approaching "Happy Hump Day"....

Its been a basically uneventful Tuesday here at work, and I'm looking forward to Happy Hump Day Wednesday. Once you hit Wednesday, you know its down hill to the weekend. Sorry for all the readers that have to work on the weekends. Not me, I'm not sure there's enough money out there to make me work on a weekend either.
Nice that no one is looking to get things submitted today. I've been in Civil Engineering 26 years this year I believe. Its been a very long career. I started back in 1980. I actually started my career in Mechanical Drafting for a company called Lenape Equipment Company. They built industrial Washers and dryers. I drew them up. I hated it. I've been in Civil Engineering ever since. It pays the bills, and alloted me the opportunity to be a single Mom and survive with my three daughters financially, and some days I really enjoy it.

I divorced thier dad Joseph back in 1993. Thats another blog. :) Here he is with Lee Ann the day she got married.

All in all, as a man, he's a good guy. He served two tours Desert Shield, then Desert Storm Gulf War I, and now again in Gulf War II. For that, I'm very proud of him. As a Dad, even after 24 years, he still needs some major work. :) He's in NJ with his new wife, and her children (all grown now). The girls don't get to see him often. Jo Beth at least wishes she saw him more. He has made it down a few times, so that is good. I get along pretty good with his parents. His father Joe (Pops) is such a sweetie, and I have loved Mary (his Mom) forever. She's actually not doing very well right now, and I worry about her. Pops is a veteran of the Korean war, and an absolute saint. He served with the US Marines. And of course we all are very proud of him. Always. Him and Mary remind of me of Archie Bunker and Edith. Very funny together, but don't let that fool you, he'll follow her to the end of time.

His brother, Uncle Sal is on the top of our "love" list too. He has continued to be the nicest man on the planet. Sal is one of a kind. And we are always glad to see him. We always tease about our "Uncle Salvatore" in the Mob in New York which is where he lives. Heres pictures below of Mary and Joe (Pops) and Uncle Sal and his wife from Lee Ann's wedding.

Lee Ann and Lindalee brought Cali to my office yesterday. I'm so proud. She is such a little cutie. Grow little one...eat up. I can't wait until she's like 3 months. All she does now is sleep, poop and eat. But everyone once in awhile, if your willing to hang in there for the long run, she'll give you the cutest smile. Gas you say??? Well that may very well be, but I'd like to think she knows who I am, and she is saying (in her own way) that she loves me, and soon she'll be able to tell me that!


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