Friday, July 28, 2006

Still Working, Still waiting.....

OH No.....God Forbid. :) No Baby yet. We keep waiting and waiting and waiting. Someone comes here into my office every once in a while and asks...."She have the baby yet??" "No..not yet" I say pretty consistently lately. :) She'll be here, when she gets here. My little Cali, I can't wait.

Well Aunt Cathy is off to NJ, flew out of PTI (Piedmont International Airport in Greensboro, NC) this morning. I miss her already. Karen said it was a tearful departure. Of course I couldn't be there....too much work to do here at the office. She knows I'll miss her. I really enjoyed her visit. Maybe my girls and I can visit her in NJ sometime soon. I'd really like that.....this way I can see Sarah Kate, and Robert too. And of course Uncle Isaac, also.

She got to see my house yesterday. Mom drove her by while I was at work. She said she loved it. I will have to put pictures of it on here at sometime. I bought it approximately 5 years ago. Mike and I have been renovating it, and adding tons of landscaping. There wasn't a stitch of landscaping at all. Although it did come with a stump garden. That what I called it, because it was nothing but a bunch of stumps from trees they had removed. Pretty sad actually. But you should see it now, even just 5 years later. What a difference. We planted River Birches, and Plum Trees, and Bradford Pears (which I'm sure I'll regret) and a bunch of holly's and Azaleas etc.

My house is approximately 78 years old. I believe it was built back in 1928. It was the Parsonage for the Church on my road. The family I bought the house from were the only owners since the Church. And they were rough on it. Like I said earlier we have been renovating it for 5 years. One room at a time. Its tough but well worth it.

My daughter Jo Beth is home sick today, watching our Great Dane puppy. I was talking to her earlier and told her she has to work on getting better, so if Lee Ann has the baby, she's not stuck home sick. She took some Sudefed. I'm sure she'll be feeling better before she knows it.

Lee Ann and I had lunch together today, as we do most days. Carvel today though...Ice cream cones as we were not that hungry. Besides its like 100 degrees out today. Thats about all we could handle.

Well I gotta run, I'll blog soon. :)


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