Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Relaxing Sunday!

Hi Everyone. Well its the end of a quiet Sunday, and I thought I would drop a few thoughts down for you. I cooked most of the day, really at the request of my brother George. A few weekends ago, I made some Eggplant Parmesan, and he loved it, and made me promise I would make him some again the following weekend. That was last weekend, and I didn't keep my promise. It was just a hectic weekend, like most. I just couldn't find the time. And if any of you know anything about Eggplant Parmesan, its an all day ordeal. First the Sauce, from scratch mind you, and then the breaded fried Eggplant. The cheeses and the baking. All day...believe me.
So I decided to make it this weekend for him. Got up early, started the sauce. Etc. Etc. Made him his own pan of it. Where was George when it was ready you ask? Down somewhere south of us near Lake Norman, that's where. Helping a buddy of his with his heating and air at a house he thinking about buying.
I had Jo Beth bring it to his house, with some made special for Colleen, since she is such an angel. I'll tell you about her another day. She is Georges wife. I also sent some over to my neighbors. They are an elderly couple, living next to each other. Both I think in their nineties. They farm part of my land, and they are always giving us fresh vegetables. That's where the Eggplant and tomatoes come from. Along with fresh Okra and cabbage. Very yummy. I'm very thankful. My Mike is always helping them out, doing this and that. I feel like sometimes, that we can't do enough for them. Michael does for them, so much more than I can ever do. Here he is...Isn't he a cutie?
I love him to death. We are working on our 14th year this year. Thats off and on. :) That I promise you, is another blog.
I baked a cake today too, however honestly, it was just a box cake, but it was still good. I will usually take short cuts on desserts, but not the meals. Usually that is. I'd like to think of myself as a decent cook. And when it comes to Italian food, I think I'm pretty good at it.
I cut some of my flowers outside and re-rooted them. Cleaned house some. And that's about all I really did. I painted some watercolors butterflies, and I'll put some on here for you at a later date I think. Unless you see them here now. :)
Now I did forget to tell you, that while I was doing all of that, I was always watching my 3 and 4 year old granddaughters. I usually watch them on Sunday's as Lindalee works. I really don't mind, I just know to put that one day aside for them.
They just kill me. Basically they were pretty good today, surprise...surprise. They like to help me cut up vegetables, and had a very interesting time today with onions. They cried and cried.....but nothing a nice cold wet paper towels on their eyes couldn't cure. They tried some cantaloupe and I think they liked it too.
I got a call from my Aunt Kathy today. I never remember whether she spells her name with a "K" or a "C". So if you see me running back and forth with them, forgive me.
She just called to fill me on things for my Mom. It was really good to hear from her. I miss her. Isn't it funny, how you can spend a great deal of time without someone in your life, but the minute they step back into it, it reminds you of what you've been missing all along? I really missed her. I saw her, and like my sister Karen says, she reminds me of my past, our past. The good things....not the bad. She is such a sweetie. Here's a picture of my Aunt and I taken while she was down here a couple of weekends ago. I look so tan compared to her. I really don't lay out or anything, its just what I pick up throughout the summer driving and swimming. I guess its my Greek/Welsh skin.

Isn't she beautiful?? I see a lot of my grandfather in her. Her smile......Her sense of humor. Both her and my Mom share that. They have the most awesome sense of humor. Grandma Edna from time to time showed some, but Grandpa Tom couldn't help but show us his....Every time we saw him. They are obviously my Mom's parents. His face would light up a room. I remember his smile so much, and those twinkling eyes too. I miss him too, and Grandma. I think about them often.

Heres a picture I have of them that I keep on my desktop. Look at my grandfather's smiling face.
From left to right. My Great-Uncle Jimmy, my grandmother Edna, my Great-grandfather and my great-grandmother next to him, my Great-Aunt Irene, and of course my Grandfather Tom.

They are the deep roots in this family, and I'm glad to still be here, it must be because of the good roots we have! Solid Roots. This is their gift to us. Strength.

I sent some Eggplant Parm. to my Mom too. I know she likes it. Here's a picture of Mom from Karen's pool party for Aunt Kathy. This was taken the same time as the one of Aunt Kathy and I above.

Mom is doing well since her pacemaker was put in a couple of weeks ago. Actually we were all surprised to see how well. She gave us quite the scare. I thought we might have lost her through that whole ordeal. As you already know, I'm very glad we didn't.

Mom is truly my Angel here on earth. And I wish I could do so much more for her. My Mom has been through so much. She was married early to my dad, just when she was 16. She had my sister Karen when she was 17, and me when she was 18. My brother George came when she was 21, and the twins, Jason and Cathy when she was just 28. It was an abusive marriage in every aspect, and she survived 25 long years of it. And through all of it, she kept her dignity, beauty, and her everlasting sense of humor. Ask me how? God only knows...Doesn't he? I love you Mom, but you already know that don't you? :)

Well its time to head off to bed. I'm actually quite tired. Just had me a piece of that yummy Chocolate cake with Vanilla icing. And it seems to be sitting nicely with the Eggplant Parm. (laughing)
Jo Beth (below) is watching the girls tomorrow. She went and saw Cali at Lee Ann's house tonight too. I figured for a couple days, I'll let them get adjusted to the new way of life with their new baby Cali. I've been over there a lot lately, and don't want her to feel bombarded.
I was glad to hear that Lee Ann made it out of house today. That's good, she is feeling better after her C-section. It is going to take her some time to feel 100%. I remember after all of mine.
I can't wait until Cali puts some meat on her, she is so fragile right now. I will put pictures of her on here, as soon as I get them developed.
Well good night all. Sleep well......


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