Friday, September 08, 2006


They say if were tired it can be a side effect of a serious condition. Or it can be that your life it too hectic for your body to keep up. I would first describe being tired as drowsy, fatigued, or weak I suppose. Its kind of how I feel today. However I don't remember getting up at all last night to pee, or being disturbed by my barking dogs either. As far as I'm concerned....I went to bed at approximately wasn't quite "Doug-O'clock". The sit-com "King of Queens" comes on The WB at 11:00 PM. That's Doug-O'clock.
Mike drags my butt out of bed at about 6:15 AM. No disturbance's as far as I know last what's my problem? Actually its been going on for days....just exhausted. I'm wondering if its the left over side-effects of Cleaning up the Wake Forest Stadium on Sunday for the JROTC fund raiser. They give the JROTC at Carver High School $1150 for cleaning up the stadium.
Well, at first I wasn't even there. Jo Beth went, but called me in a panic at about 11 AM to let me know she would be moving her bedroom there as they would not finish with the 16 people that they had there to help. She was concerned that they would be there for a week straight without food, unless I brought her some, and brought some additional help. So I quickly made some phone calls, got Lindalee, Mike, Danny (my nephew) and his three younger siblings Derek, Denver and David to help. Of course Cheyenne and Ciera pulling up the rear. I didn't count them, but they were there.
With our help we finished our part at about 6 PM, and the rest of them finished shortly thereafter. IT was the MOST disgusting thing I've ever had to do in my whole life!!! I know its not the largest stadium, but it sure felt like it. I now have a new outlook on cheese Wiz and jalepeno's along with wet pretzels, and I never want to see another peanut as long as I live. The stadium after the Syracuse game was an absolute pig-sty. I walked in things, you should never walk in your whole life. These items were embedded under my fingernails that I prayed I wouldn't accidentally touch my face with them.
Everyone was exhausted, and the heat was unbearable. Bend, Shift, stretch....reach, reach, reach.......You had to come up with a strategy to get the garbage from the ground into your garbage bag. Should you start from the bottom-up, and reach for the garbage, or from the top-down...bend for the garbage. My chosen strategy was to do it from the bottom-up. By the end of the day, I wasn't sure I had chosen the right strategy either. My shoulders have still not healed. I'm not sure my back will heal ever, either.
I'm a short little shit, who pains myself on the fact that I'm closer to the floor than most, but I'm not sure that was a hindrance, or a help. There are parts of my body that ache that shouldn't ache!! And new found parts of my body I didn't know existed to begin with. Did you know that part of your ass, thats not quite part of your leg or ass......well it must have its own set of muscles. Because I've been finding it difficult to sit in one swell swoop!

So am I just be tired?? Or am tired because I AM tired?? And I experiencing a side effect of life, or a serious condition?? My sister Karen would say "Its your thyroid!!!!" If I didn't live such a hectic life "being tired" would be something I would read about in someone else's blog I'm sure. And I'm sure I'm preaching to the Chior as everyone gets tired from time to time right?? Just be sure..........your not feeling the side effects of a more serious condition like "Lackasleepanightess"!


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