Friday, July 28, 2006

Still Working, Still waiting.....

OH No.....God Forbid. :) No Baby yet. We keep waiting and waiting and waiting. Someone comes here into my office every once in a while and asks...."She have the baby yet??" "No..not yet" I say pretty consistently lately. :) She'll be here, when she gets here. My little Cali, I can't wait.

Well Aunt Cathy is off to NJ, flew out of PTI (Piedmont International Airport in Greensboro, NC) this morning. I miss her already. Karen said it was a tearful departure. Of course I couldn't be there....too much work to do here at the office. She knows I'll miss her. I really enjoyed her visit. Maybe my girls and I can visit her in NJ sometime soon. I'd really like that.....this way I can see Sarah Kate, and Robert too. And of course Uncle Isaac, also.

She got to see my house yesterday. Mom drove her by while I was at work. She said she loved it. I will have to put pictures of it on here at sometime. I bought it approximately 5 years ago. Mike and I have been renovating it, and adding tons of landscaping. There wasn't a stitch of landscaping at all. Although it did come with a stump garden. That what I called it, because it was nothing but a bunch of stumps from trees they had removed. Pretty sad actually. But you should see it now, even just 5 years later. What a difference. We planted River Birches, and Plum Trees, and Bradford Pears (which I'm sure I'll regret) and a bunch of holly's and Azaleas etc.

My house is approximately 78 years old. I believe it was built back in 1928. It was the Parsonage for the Church on my road. The family I bought the house from were the only owners since the Church. And they were rough on it. Like I said earlier we have been renovating it for 5 years. One room at a time. Its tough but well worth it.

My daughter Jo Beth is home sick today, watching our Great Dane puppy. I was talking to her earlier and told her she has to work on getting better, so if Lee Ann has the baby, she's not stuck home sick. She took some Sudefed. I'm sure she'll be feeling better before she knows it.

Lee Ann and I had lunch together today, as we do most days. Carvel today though...Ice cream cones as we were not that hungry. Besides its like 100 degrees out today. Thats about all we could handle.

Well I gotta run, I'll blog soon. :)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Waiting, and Waiting.......

I feel like its time, don't you?? NO, the baby isn't here yet. I don't think I would be so anxious if she didn't get me going with the whole "plug" thing. Now, I want Cali here. Unbelievable she hasn't had her yet. She's still at work....can you believe it?? We went this afternoon and got her dresser for the babies room. And it is a beautiful set. Cherry. Very Pretty. Her and Jeff (Lee Ann's husband) picked up the crib last week.

We had dinner at Karen's (my older sister) house last night, a bit of a barbecue/pool party for my Aunt Cathy. She'll be flying back into NJ on Friday, and I'll be sad to see her leave. I can tell Mom really likes having her around. And she has been such a blast to have here. I wish she lived closer. I really do.

Its nice to have your family around, sometimes I think their the only ones who understand us. We are a bit dysfunctional...but we put the word "fun" in dyfunctional believe me! Besides I believe the "new" normal is a "dysfunctional" family. Who decides what is normal anyway? My family is no different than most I think. My immediate family, my girls, granddaughters and Mike are the most normal in my family. But if you ask all of them, they'll tell you the same thing.

Cheyenne and Ciera (you met them below) were there swimming at Karen's too. As a matter of fact it was pretty much a full house. All the family I mean. George's (my brother) boys, all four of them and their Mom Colleen, and of course Karen's family. Her two sons, TJ and Dakota (who is quite a handful) her daughter Sherianne, and her husband Randy. My brother Jason and his family which includes a daughter and son and his wife Denise . It turned out to be a nice time. It was just a bit muggy, but the food was good, the company was good too.
A few were missing, but that's another days blog. :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It could be an Exciting Day.....

Ok....Ok....I'm getting so excited. My pregnant daughter Lee Ann's mucous plug came out today and last night. I'm sorry, I know that kind of sounds gross. You can look it up so you know what it is.
Actually I don't mind she is coming, I'm very excited. And as long as she is ready, and we all happen to know the day she concieved, so its ok. Lee ann is actually over, even though her due date isn't until August 5th. This is Lee Ann below, she is a cutie isn't she.

For (4) years Lee Ann wasn't getting pregnant, even though her twin sister Lindalee was. So her and her husband Jeff were tested. He was cleared of any problems. She went in to have her tubes blown through. Three (3) days later, she had sex and got pregnant. Just like that. Awesome how science can get things going. :)

I got to see my Aunt Cathy last night, it was a tearful reunion for all involved. It was AWESOME seeing her, and she looks great!! She is a presence in a room, I'll tell you that!! I love that we are so much alike. To think that I might have half her personality is very cool!!

Well hopefully I'll be back to check in with everyone later. Say a little prayer, so everything goes ok!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

On another Note....

My Aunt Cathy is down from NJ today. She's my Mom's younger sister. They say I look just like her. I'll take that as a compliment, I always thought that she was quite pretty and very funny. I'd like to think I inherited her sense of humor, also.

My Mom had been sick recently, having a pacemaker put in her heart. So my Aunt Cathy is down for some moral support and to see Mom its been years. Actually its the first time she has come to NC to visit. I believe its been about 12-13 years since I saw her last. My Aunt Cathy is married to my now Uncle Isaac. She use to be married to my Uncle Bobby years ago. I still think about my Uncle Bobby from time to time. My cousin Robert looks just like him. An nice mix between my Aunt and last Uncle.

Uncle Isaac is a nice addition to our family. A very smart man, intelligent to extremes. Jewish to boot. And he loves my Aunt Cathy..So that works out well. He is lucky to have her. :) She is so very smart too, making a great company out of her business. We have always considered her the smartest in the family. Either that or just plain lucky. But someone once told me, Luck doesn't come on its own, you have to go work hard for it. And that's what I'm sure she did. Work very hard!

We were all raised basically Protestant or Catholic or no religion at all. Everyone has always done their own thing. My Aunt Cathy converted to Judaism when she married Uncle Isaac. They had a daughter "Sarah Kate", who is wise beyond her years. A terminal student. I believe she will be the first 'female' President of the United States. My Cousin Robert is caring, and heart felt. When he was younger he was involved in Green Peace. I always gave him so much credit for being part of something he believed so strongly in.
I have to admit, I have lost touch with him, so I'm not even sure what it is he does now. I'm sure its something important if I know Robert.

I'm really excited to see my Aunt Cathy. I want her to meet my grandchilden, and get to know my 3-daughters. I feel like I've talked about her all my life to my kids, and now here she is, live for them to see and talk to.
I'll catch up with her and Mom later tonight. We are suppose to be getting together with her tomorrow night at my sister Karen's house. Swimming, hanging, eating and such. Sounds like a good time! I know you wish you could come. :)

Another week in the life of....

It was a decent weekend, rained some, hot some, relaxed some. My daughter Lee Ann is about to POP!! Its so funny, she looks like she is carrying a alien!! She's been complaining of pains, labor pains I don't know, but with her being 9 months now, it wouldn't surprise me. She waddles like a overweight white duck. :) I mean that with the greatest of love, and respect!!

My daughter Lindalee (Lee Ann's twin) is very impatient to have Baby "Cali" come. She can't wait because she has been dying to have another one, but she already has a 3 year old named Ciera, and another granddaughter of mine who is 4 years old named Cheyenne. You talk about two very unique individuals, have no idea!!
We've decided that Ciera is going to be a veterinarian when she gets older, she has NO fear of animals, and loves them all including bugs. She catches Lightening bugs and keeps them like little babies. The same with Lady Bugs. She is so good with all the dogs in our families. On the other hand, she hardly listens to a thing you say, as she is off in CiCi's world. (That's her nickname...CiCi) Cheyenne. What can I tell you about Cheyenne that would help you understand exactly about her??!! First off, she is 4 and going on 30 years old. She talks like she is 30, and treats you (the adult) like she is 30. She is analytical, and decisive and quick-witted. She knows what your thinking, and she is emotionally connected to you. If your upset or happy, most likely its because she put you there. She's quick to notice, and a real "crowd-pleaser". Both girls are beautiful, and it will be interesting to see the people they turn into. Well gotta run, I'll be back...... take care.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Yeah, its Friday....Have a great Weekend!!

Well the weekend is upon us. I can't wait. The only problem with weekends, is it brings with it another Monday just two days later, and we start it all over again.

My daughter Lee Ann is pregnant with my 3rd granddaughter. I thought I would throw that in here, as I might be missing some blogging time because of it. Her due date is August 5th. She had a doctors appointment yesterday, and she's thinking the gyno stirred things up. So she just may go this weekend. We'll see. Personally, I think baby "Cali" should hold on until the due date, but everyone wants to rush things. Geez...nobody waits anymore!!

I'm a true believer in letting things take thier course. Don't push ya know, but these days doctors push for C-sections so they can schedule around them. My twin daughters will be 24 in August, and I have another daughter still home with me, her name is Jo Beth, and she is 17 soon to be 18. I had C-sections with all of them.

They say because the twins were an emergency, and I was cut up and down (rather than sideways like today),that I wasn't able to deliver natural or go into labor. So 7 years later when Jo Beth came along, I had another C-Section. These days it seems like the norm, rather than the other way around. Even my daughter Lindalee had C-sections with her daughters. Well if nothing else, its running in the family.

Have a good weekend. Get back with you Monday.

Some info about Great Danes

I thought I would fill you in on Great Danes a bit. By no means am I an expert and nor will I attempt to bore you with all the information about them, you can look that up yourself.
I have some great links below on Great Danes if your interested in more. I've just done tons of research on them, and of course own one which is why I'm so passionate about them!

"The Great Dane is a breed of dog known for its large size and gentle personality. The breed is commonly referred to as the "Gentle Giant."

I'm not sure I would say that at this point. My baby Great Dane female (named Corona) is a monster. :) In a loving way of course. She is due to go to Obedience classes. Its way past time. I can't wait until she gets bigger, so that she slows down a bit.

They say if you can make it through the first 1 1/2 years then its a breeze. I'm' just not sure you won't find me in a mental institution before then. My other half Mike is sure to have left me by then too. He has a lot less patience for her then I do. I just keep saying "She's just a puppy!" I'm wondering on how long I can pull that statement off! :)

You can go to the following great sites for information on Great Danes. (This is the Official Great Dane Club of America)

Great Danes seem to have sensitive stomachs. Anything can throw thier tummies off. Make sure you are using a great dog food, the right amount of protein etc. The above links tell you all about the types of food. There seems to be a lot of discussion on whether a natural diet is better than already prepared one. I think its up to the owner to do enough research. Make your own decisions.

You will find that there is more than enough information about Great Danes, and it can actually get quite overwhelming. Just read through the sites and pick and choose which ones will fit you and your Great Dane. Make sure your Great Dane gets socialized, thats a biggie. They are very large, and it would be a shame to have a dog that big mad at someone.

All I know is what I know. They will love you so much, no matter what. They want to be touched, and hugged, and fed and forgiven constantly!!

Another Great Dane Story......

I was telling you yesterday about my daughters Great Dane. His name is Tonka. I think that fits him well, 'cause he's like a "Tonka" truck in their house. Life size!
I get a call from my daughter Lee Ann last night, and she precedes to inform me that the night before she had left a grease pot (def: a pot filled with grease for french fries and such that you typically keep in the oven for the next use) on the stove, covered so he wouldn't bother with it. Well needless to say, he consumed the entire pot of oil. Yes.....slopped it up like it was his favorite food I tell ya!
I'm dying on the phone, because to me its just one more thing for him to get into. She asked if it was harmful to him. I explained that most likely it will all be coming out in the end!! And it did!!

I got a call late last night after dinner from her, and she explained she felt he had been quite lubricated, and spend about 1 1/2 outside getting rid of most the oil. Unbelievable!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thursday July 20th 2006

Morning all. Yesterday I was telling you about my Great Dane puppy. My daughter had a get together with friends of hers the other day, and she had to leave my pup alone at home. Upon returning, the Great Dane had eaten my Bowling trophy!! And I'm assuming "swallowed" a wooden bowling pin. No....its not one of those you actually hit with a bowling ball, its like an award pin, approximately 6" tall. We can't find it anywhere so I can only assume she consumed it.
The damn thing was sitting on a shelf above the sofa, can you believe her?? She also ate a couple of DVDs. At least the cases. I realize shes a pup, and I have take all precautions as to her entertainment. Toys for Great Danes are very expensive, and she has had her share of them. You have to get them, otherwise the walls in the house start to look good to a teething Great Dane. One of my older daughters has a male Mantle Great Dane, and he literally ate the chair molding off the wall. She's had to replace the molding around doors too. :) I can't help but smile...does that make me insane???
There's something about these dogs.........I think its the kindness in their must be. Why else would I not be burying her by now??

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

July 19th 2006 (4:48 PM)

Hey everyone, its just about time to head home from work....and I have been so looking forward to it. Its been a very hot day here in Greensboro, NC. I believe the heat index was up over 105 degrees. The humidity feels like a coat when you walk outside.

Yup, I thought I would try my hand at a blog!! I'm not sure whats going on in my blog, until I put it in here. So for the moment, don't hold too much into this site yet. Hopefully as time goes by it gets better and better.

They say your not suppose to put too much personal information on here, so I'm going to try and keep it on the down low as to personal info.

My name is Linda, (I suppose thats personal, as thats my real name....), I thought you should know at least that. I recently acquired a Great Dane puppy, her name is "Corona". Presently she is 4 months old. What a handful. We will talk about her later....time to run right now, I'll touch base back with you tomorrow. :) See ya.